Java vs JavaScript similarities, difference and which is better or easy to learn. You don’t have to worry about which one to choose from, I’m going to show you the best programming language you should go with.
I’m going to be talking about the difference between Java and JavaScript. First off all, are they similar? No, I know it’s hard to believe but they’re actually not similar at all, the only similarity they have is the fact that Java is in both of their names.
Why do they both have the word Java in their names?
Well, that’s the first thing am going to be talking about in this article.
Their history is what intertwines them the most what else am I going to be talking about?
- Defining features of each language
- What you could build with both languages
- The current state of hiring in Java and JavaScript
- The salary rate of both languages
- Which one is better to learn
So without further ado let’s get into it…
The only reason I’m covering this topic is because of the simple fact that the letters “JAVA” are in the name JavaScript. Aside from that there’s really no reason to pick these two programming languages to compare. While this article is java vs JavaScript I could have easily wrote Python versus JavaScript article or a donuts versus Doritos.
Both words have the letters “DO” in them and both are equally delicious but the comparison doesn’t really make any sense. They’re not even in the same snack category, though they are both considered snacks.
The same thing can be said about Java and JavaScript.
They’re both programming languages but they’re not in the same category in terms of their usage. Though in recent years, the things you could build with them have been converging especially with JavaScript recent breakout of it node.js framework.
What is JavaScript vs Java?
Table of Contents
A lot of people do ask this question a lot and I think is time for me to clarify that. JavaScript vs java is nothing but comparison of the two languages in terms of their similarities, difference, features, usage, and salary rate. When you are new to programming, you have to be very clear on whatever language you want to learn.

That’s why you need to compare 2 or 3 languages head to head to see which one to choose for your next project.
So by the end of this section, you will be able to choose between these two languages. Am going to let you on an important concept so pay very close attention. But first, let look at the similarities of these two languages…
Java And JavaScript – Similarities And History
This is the one that intertwines the two languages the most. Their history, first let’s start with “Java.” Sun Micro-systems released the first public implementation of Java in 1996. Java was actually originally designed for interactive television which is very nice but it was too high or advanced for the digital cable television industry.
However it eventually found its sweet spot in dominating the world of server-side programming in a nutshell.

Server-side programming is the part of an application humans don’t directly interact with, for instance…
The part of venom that keeps track of your running balance when you’re stingy and finally pays you.
JavaScript was created by Netscape, the company responsible for the first popular web browser in 1995 and was written in a total of nine days. It was originally named mocha, later renamed to a “live-script” and then finally took the name JavaScript and was to be a simple language that would be directly embedded in the HTML of a website.
Just like CSS but whereas CSS added some formatting and color to websites, JavaScript added some much-needed dynamic interaction.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript made up the trifecta of the web, they powered website. HTML being the structure, CSS being the decoration and JavaScript being the interaction. For the first few years of its existence, Netscape reigns supreme in the world of web browsers but when the Seattle juggernaut software company Microsoft released its version of war browser Internet Explorer…
Netscape got a little scared because Internet Explorer was super popular. This marked the beginning of what’s referred to in internet history as the first browser Wars. Putting it lightly to say that the Netscape people were fading out and they didn’t want to.
So what they decided to was, they approached the sun microsystems people, the people who created java. And they hash out a deal where they changed the name of the language they’d be developing for the web browser called mocha to JavaScript under a license agreement in exchange for collaborating with sun to incorporate suns programming language Java to run inside the web browser.
Netscape did this because it needed to throw everything it could at Microsoft so that it could stop the onslaught. So Java seemed like the new hot thing down the flip side of the deal.
Sun Microsoft agreed because it solved the Internet in web browsers as a potential future platform for Java apps.
Next up let’s talk about…
The defining features of Java and JavaScript
Java is a statically typed language and JavaScript is a dynamically typed language. When you boil that tech lingo down it means that declaring variables in Java is much more rigid than JavaScript. Let me show you what I mean…
Notice how I’m declaring these variables in JavaScript…
Var name = “Justice”;
In Java here I have this name variable…
String name = “Justice”;
Up top and it is a string, notice how I literally have to say that the type of value that’s going to be stored inside the name variable will be a string in Java.
Int benchpress;
String[] names;
Notice how “benchpress” I have to specifically declare that an integer will be saved to benchpress.
And for my string array notice how this string bracket thing that represents that I’m creating an array and it’s going to consist of a bunch of strings. In Java you have to specify the types of values you’re going to be saving to some specific variable. And not only that but once you declare that a variable is a specific type of data, a string for example, must remain a string for its entire lifetime.
Okay let loot at the syntax difference – Java vs JavaScript…
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Java vs JavaScript Syntax
For instance if I wanted to set the value of…
String Jersey;
to an integer 3…
I can’t do that in Java but compare that to JavaScript which is a dynamically typed language. You do not have to specify the types of data you’re saving to a variable. Notice below how there’s nothing about a string being saved in “name” it’s simply a variable name…
Var name = “justice”;
Variables can be reassigned to values with different data types so “name” could easily be changed to a value 4 in JavaScript. I don’t know why you would want to do that and again if you wanted to change that name variable back to have a value of a string, you could totally do that and JavaScript allows it.
JavaScript is considered a prototype base object-oriented programming language. Meaning you’re not bound to a code pattern like you are with Java. You have to jump through a lot less hoops in JavaScript than you do with Java.

For example, if we are to print out a simple phrase in both languages.
In Java we have to do a lot…
First things first, you’re forced to use these things called classes to do anything. Classes serve as reusable templates to produce objects. Objects are just these types of data structures we use in programming to store information. We use objects and classes in programming to model real-life situations.
In our coding world that we’re creating for instance, every website has probably a user class or a user model. What’s like to be a human being in the real world but on our website so for instance we would use a user.
To produce user objects to save in our database for our website, every user modeled as real life reference. You know me being a human being user situation, I have a first name, I have an appearance, and I have a profile picture.
What do I look like on your website? I have a birthdate and I have a password to log me in to use your website. So back in Java, when we’re actually forced to create these templates or these classes in order to create one instance of a particular thing we will need an object.
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Java vs JavaScript Difference
So for instance let’s say we’re creating a dog class, so first we must build that dog Factory and then from that factor we can build individual instances of dogs. Which you know generally speaking, these same attributes but different values.
Dogs have different names, dogs have different breeds, dogs have different ages etc. Java requires a lot of code to do something simple as printing out hello world. It’s a class-based object-oriented programming language, class-based means that you literally have to wrap everything you ever want to code in in a class.
Recently JavaScript actually updated to include this kind of similar class construction that we see in other languages other class-based object-oriented languages like Java but in no way is JavaScript bound to this construction but Java is. Again you don’t need to understand what’s going on, you just need to know that JavaScript is much less verbose.
What I’m about to say is a massive generalization and that’s why I’m labeling it as such to all of my more advanced programmers out there. Before I get shredded to bits in the comment, JavaScript is much more forgiving than Java.
Earlier on in the process of building out because once you’ve jumped through all of the Java induced hoops, one could also argue that Chavez lack of forgiveness, means it’s less prone to bugs in the long run compared to JavaScript.
In other words Java applications take a lot more time to get off the ground but once you’ve set that structure up for your application, the upkeep effort is much less compared to a JavaScript. Application whose initial time to just spin a simple application up is relatively easy, relatively straightforward that being said the level of upkeep required for a JavaScript application increases as time passes to reiterate.
Java is always a slow start for beginners but it has a very stable future compared to JavaScript which is very easy to get off the ground. But once you have it off the ground and you have this massive application, the upkeep is kind of annoying. A very popular question…
What can you build with Java and JavaScript?
The thing with Java is it never really came to dominate the desktop or web applications. Though it can be used for both, it does dominate specific industries and specific technology verticals including the Android sphere.
Many massive industries requiring a very stable language use Java like banking, trading and the automobile industry. Java can also be used for scientific computing and it’s also used as the language for just general-purpose programming of hardware like the Internet of Things like Raspberry Pi or a Sonos speaker or a refrigerator that’s connected to the Internet.
JavaScript was originally limited to the web browser, it was kind of seen as a toy language in the beginning. It went hand-in-hand with HTML and CSS and these were just languages used to create websites. Originally it was used to add a dynamic aspect otherwise very static and boring websites meaning it was reserved for the front end of a website or a single webpage.
Only the part of the website that a human being interacts with their mouse and or track-pad to click on things. That being said, after years of open-source development there are huge robust libraries out there that can extend the capabilities of JavaScript including node.js which allowed developers to finally use JavaScript outside the environment of a web browser.
This has been the new hot thing for startups these days things like Facebook things, Twitter things like and AIRBNB. They all use this node.js JavaScript framework to power their businesses and their technologies.
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Which is better Java or JavaScript?
I also asked this above question when I was new to programming. I thought because they all have the word “java” in them, they are meant for the same purpose. No, my friend if you are also thinking the same. These are two complete different purpose languages.
JavaScript is for web only and Java is general purpose, meaning it can run on almost every operating system. Since you cannot use Java to program the front-end of a web app, if your focus it to become a front-end web developer then JavaScript is better for you.
But if you are going to be working at the back-end, then Java should be your choice. But remember, you can now run JavaScript on the sever side because of node.js but we are not comparing it to java, so simply go with java.
Java vs JavaScript salary
In terms of hiring, Java is preferred in the computer science and also in enterprise business community. But JavaScript is the new and fresh thing startup businesses like Uber and Netflix they’re all making this massive push for JavaScript based technologies.

But large enterprises that have been around for many years like the banking industry, the automotive industry Java is kind of their choice. Java pays better than JavaScript according to 2010 to 2020 survey on stack overflow.
Java requires more time to learn compared to JavaScript that being said, the technology world is definitely paying attention to JavaScript. Java pays definitely more right now but who’s to say that JavaScript developers won’t be demanding the same amount of paid that Java developers get in the near future.
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Do I need to learn Java before JavaScript?
It does not actually matter which one you should start with. This is question is really trending a lot but I think is time for me to make it clear to you. Because these two languages don’t go hand in hand, it actually does not matter which one you should start with.
But however if you are new to programming and you want to learn all two, starting with java might be confusing to you. Because it’s a pure highly object oriented programming language (OOP) so if you don’t have any previous experience in coding, then start with JavaScript to learn the fundamentals.
However, if you already know some other language aside java and JavaScript, it actually means you already know the basics. Therefore it will not matter which one to start with because all programming languages follow the same concept but syntax difference.
But to summarize things for you, Java is hard and it takes much more time to learn compare to JavaScript.
Python vs JavaScript vs Java
If you are a regular visitor of stack overflow, then there is no doubt that you have at least answered or asked one question in these 3 above languages. They are trending a lot, but recently python is fling like air craft all because of Artificial intelligence (A.I), Data structure and machine learning. And to tell you, python is considered as the top language for programming robot.
It kind of everywhere, you can use it to build desktop apps, web apps and mobile apps. This makes it very hard to compare it with java but if you are new to programming, I will suggest you go with python instead of Java. Why because pythons has pretty code syntax than java and you are required to write less code too. Also it not hard to learn.
That does not mean java is useless, no. Java is still kicking forward mostly in the web industry due to high usage of it spring boot framework. And also Google firstly introduced java as the official language for android development until recently that they gave that grown to Kotlin.
So it actually depend on you and what type of developer you want to become. If you want to be building android apps only, then go with java over python. But aside that, if you are new to programming I will recommend you go with python.
Hey, you want me to learn python over Java but what of JavaScript?
Well, JavaScript and python does not need to be compared at all. Because these two languages are for different purpose, If we are to compare node.js and python, that would make much more sense.
But to tell you, you can use python to build the back-end of a website and use JavaScript to embed interaction in the front-end. With this small analogy I hope you have seen where each one lies right. Python is a server side programming language and JavaScript is a client side scripting language. (Remember, JavaScript is not actually a programming language but a scripting language.)
So don’t be confused because these two guys have different careers and you cannot compare one to the other.
But if you are asking of the salary rate for these two languages, then you have a point. And in short python pays over JavaScript since it runs on different operating system and due to it widely usage.
So with all the comparison of Java vs JavaScript, you will surely ask which one to go for…
Java or JavaScript?
I don’t want to confuse you on this part. But I would like to make it very simple for you to understand it easily. So what I want to tell you is that, decide on which type of programmer you want to be, either web developer, mobile apps developer, back-end developer, front-end developer or desktop apps developer.
If you are targeting desktop or mobile apps then go with Java.
But if you want to be a web developer and you already have a Java background, then you still need JavaScript. Because without it just ask yourself how you are going to display an alert message to your users when they click on a certain button on your website?
But if you know both java and Angular then you are good to go, you don’t need JavaScript. Because at the end of the day all your typescript code in angular will be compiled to JavaScript.
The point you should know is that, Java is a server side programming language and JavaScript is a client side programming language. They don’t do the same thing.
To give you a quick idea of what’s server-side and client-side means…
Imagine you click a login button on a website to login to your dashboard. After filling the form, you hit the submit button. Then those details that you entered will be sent to the sever side application to query the database to check your details against the list of registered users (So note that only server-side languages like java have the capability to interact with databases).
When your details are correct, the server-side language will return a response to the client. And base on the response return, the client will redirect you to your dashboard or show you an alert message of wrong user details (Here JavaScript is at work for showing alert message).
The Right Comparison between Java and JavaScript

So between a scripting language and a high level object oriented programming language. What exact key difference do I want to draw? Well, as you already know, java is highly growing in the mobile apps industry. Especially when it comes to android app development, Google has announced Java as the core language for developing android apps over kotlin.
And mind you, that does not mean you can only use java for android development. No, you can use java for almost anything that is why it is termed as “general purpose programming language.” What am trying to prove is how java has been highly growing since the released of android operating system.
One big comparison between JavaScript and Java is that…
Java is a statically type programming language whiles JavaScript is a dynamically type. What does dynamic and static mean?
What is a static programming language?
The general meaning for a static object is something that lack movement or ability to change. And that should give you a fair knowledge about it. When we say a particular language is statically type, it means such language data-types do not change after declaration. A quick example is when you declare a string variable in java, you cannot change it data-type throughout the application.
We know very well that Java has two data types:
- Primitive data-type
- Non primitive data-type
The difference between the two is that primitive data-type are non-user define data-types. Example include Array, Hash map, List, Collections and Integer. They are primitives because they come with the java package by default and is not the job of the programmer to code it from scratch.
The package is already defined and if you need such data-type, you just have to import the package and use it in your class.
On the other hand, a non-primitive data-type represent user define data including string, class, Interface and Object.
You don’t need to be confused because all the two do the same thing. Just that they are used to store different values. Whiles integer is used to store numeric values, string is used to store characters encoded in single or double quote in memory.
Examples of Statically Type Programming Languages
There are so many statically programming languages out there. And am very sure that without me saying it based on the explanation above, you can easily come up with some. But let me save you a minute of thinking:
- Java
- C++
- C
What is A Dynamic Type programming language?
If statically type programming languages data-types can’t be changed, then surely dynamic type programming languages data-types can be changed.

How is this different from statically typed languages?
The simple concept is that with dynamic type scripting languages, you don’t have to specify a data-type during variable declarations. That’s because a variable of specific type is allowed to be changed whenever the programmer want to take some action on that variable.
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Let take JavaScript for instance, we declare a variable with the “var” keyword something like [ var carName=”TOYOTA’ ] here the “var” keyword stand as a symbol for the programmer that it data-type can be changed.
So we can go ahead and assign a value of integer to the above “carName” variable and there won’t be run time error. That’s the power of JavaScript and what makes it so different from Java.
But you have to be careful when working with such scripting languages. Because you might run into an issue of concatenating a string with an integer with the expectation of getting an integer result. (it will give you a string value)
Examples of Dynamic Type Programming Languages
Should I learn java or JavaScript?
This is a question I do see people asking a lot. And I think there is nothing wrong with such thing. Because before you step into something, you surely have to know how deep it is and as the saying goes “it only fools who test the depth of water with both legs.”
People do ask this question simply because they don’t want to make a wrong choice of language that will not get the work done. But the question of choosing between JavaScript and java actually can be considered based on two things:
- What’s your level of experience in programming
- What you want to do or what project do you want to achieve
Hey how there you just list these above two assumptions and telling me to make a choice out of it?
Well, am not saying you should go ahead and make a choice right now. I need to explain myself very well before you can grab what am trying to point out. So please allow me to explain what I mean before you go ahead and decided which of these two languages is right for you to learn.
What’s your level of experience in programming?
This is a very key factor you need to consider while making a choice of any programming language. Why is it important? Just imagine for example that you are learning to drive a car for the first time. Will your trainee allow you to drive in the street with a lot of cars moving up and down at a speed of 360 degrees?
No, your trainee will surely not do that because he or she knows very well that you knew nothing about driving. And in case he or she allows you, just imagine the damage that will happen.
The same is true when it comes to making a choice in programming. If you knew nothing about programming, you will surely not jump straight into coding something you don’t understand. The best option will be to learn the fundamentals first before you move to other harder section under the same subject.
So what it is all that am trying to say?
What am trying to prove here is simple, “If you don’t have any knowledge in programming, then choose an easy language to help you master the fundamentals first.” Because if you don’t get the fundamentals of computer science or coding as a whole, you will think coding is difficult.
I do see people saying “Wow you might be genius, how can you remember all this 2000 lines of code you learnt?” When new programmers ask something like that, then I quickly get to know that they haven’t learn the fundamentals of coding. Because do we really need to remember code to code?
No, we code based on the concept we have learnt on that particular language.
So all that am saying is that, if you are new to programming then start with JavaScript. And learn it very well so that you will get all the concept behind computer science. Because JavaScript is easy than Java. And if you jump straight to java without any previous knowledge, I bet if you don’t give up, you will need a lot of personal discipline to learn.
Java is a highly object-oriented-programming-language and JavaScript is a very light scripting language. So choosing to learn java over JavaScript as a beginner will be somehow, and is not something that I do recommend. Rather start with JavaScript and learn the basics then later if you want to go ahead and master java, then that will be easy because you will surely understand every line of code you will write.
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What do you want to do? Or, what project do you want to achieve?
Trust me as you progress in coding, you are going to ask yourself this question a lot whenever you want to start a new project. Especially when you know multiple scripting languages, you will be totally confused choosing which one will get the project done fast, it performance and how secure one language will help you to achieve much security over the other.
Don’t ask any programmer with multiple language experience if they do face this problem. Simply go ahead and learn 3 or 4 languages that can do the same thing and you will get your answers when you plan to develop your next project.
So what does this have to do in choosing between java and JavaScript?
Well is simple, if you want to build a house by yourself, you will surely not learn disk joking but building construction right? The same is true, you have to choose to learn a specific language based on the project you want to develop.
Although both these two languages can be used in web development but when it comes to building native apps like android, I know you will surely not go for JavaScript right?
So know your purpose and what you want to develop then make the right choice based on all guides I have given you. But one big difference you should know between these two languages in web development is that, vanilla JavaScript is used for front-end web development and java is use for server-side development.
But remember JavaScript has a framework called node.js which is used for server –side development. So if your goal is to be a web developer and use a single language both on the front and the back-end then go for JavaScript, other than that make your choice according to your preference my friend.
Here comes the big difference I have been waiting to show you…
Scripting language vs programming language Difference
One other difference I will not hide from you is that, JavaScript is a scripting language that get interpreted at run time. On the other hand java is a compile time programming language. The difference is that scripting languages do not need any compilation because they are interpreted by some program.
Take JavaScript for instance, whenever you write a JavaScript code and hit on execute, it doesn’t go into any compilation process but the browser interprets it directly. And because of that all the scripting languages have much better performance than compile time programming languages.
Is Java And JavaScript The Same?
I have said a lot about these two programming languages. But trust me, if I don’t clarify what am about to tell you, I know oracle and the Mozilla developers will be much angry with me. A lot of people think these two languages are the same because their names starts with the word “java.”
If that’s exactly what you have been thinking, then a lot of newbies ride in the same boat with you. Because I myself thought they were the same when I began programming. So if you are a new programmer, there is no doubt that you might be thinking the same.

But I was wrong and you are also wrong, they aren’t the same.
They can be used for the same purpose in certain sector like web development. But the two are totally meant for different purpose and to remind you, it owned by two different companies. One big concept that make most people think that these two programming language are the same is that, they think Java is the object oriented way of using JavaScript and JavaScript is the procedural language of java.
If you have been thinking the same thing, then it time to get rid of that concept. Because you can code JavaScript either in OOP or procedural way, it actually the choice of you the programmer to decide which way will suit you.
But here is the point, if you can write JavaScript code in object oriented programming approach (OOP). Then what is the use of thinking java is the OOP way of writing javascript code? You see it doesn’t make any sense right?
It’s like comparing a bus to a taxi, what would you think about such comparison?
Well they are all cars, but remember the number of peoples a bus can take at once will take a taxi 7 or 8 rounds to drive off the same number of peoples. And if one should think that because they are all called cars they can carry the same load. What do you think such person will realize when he or she personally later gets an experience in driving all the two cars?
So JavaScript is not the same as java because they all have the world “java” in their names. If am to give you a simple example that will help you know that they are totally different in terms of their area of usage. Then look at the software industry, between JavaScript and java especially when it comes to building native apps.
Can you compare JavaScript to java in such area?
Surely no, because that’s what java was designed for to be able to run on a virtual machine on every operating system. But JavaScript was purposely created to run in the browser and not everywhere.
Although you can see JavaScript being used in mobile apps development today. But here is the big question…
Are JavaScript mobile apps as native as apps developed in java?
No, that is not possible at the moment. Maybe it going to be in the future but currently I cannot assure you that it going to be possible. Although such concept can be implemented to make JavaScript mobile apps as native as apps developed in their core languages.
But the JavaScript language alone can’t be made possible and why am saying this is because, it purpose has been drawn already. And if they can make it possible, then they need to develop some framework that will run on top of JavaScript just as they made node.js to be able to run on the server.
Other than that I don’t think we should be looking ahead to be able to develop real native apps with JavaScript. This is just my opinion and also based on what am hearing from other top developers. If you also have some big assumption, please let me know in the comment box below.
We all know JavaScript is cool and it probably one of the easiest scripting language I have ever learnt myself and I do code in JavaScript almost each blessed week. So guess what I really love it and I will be much happy if a framework of it can be created to develop real native apps like android or ios
Tutorials in Java And JavaScript Sources
Up to this stage, I know you have heard all that you need to get started coding in one of these programming languages. But the big quest here is…
What are the best sources to learn java or JavaScript?
Do you need to enroll in college to learn it or by following online tutorials?
Should you invest in JavaScript or java course or you should focus on attending boot-camps?
Which sources will teach you from a beginner to advance level?
And which tutorials in JavaScript or java will get you hired?
You see, because of all these above reasons. You have to make the right choice on the source you should learn from. Because do you think is worth investing in a course or boot-camp program that will not help you to make use of what you may learn?
No, such personal investment will just go in vain, and I hope you don’t want to lose your money? Well, then think about it twice of the source that will help you to master JavaScript or java very well that you can develop your own software’s.

If you are a new to programming, then I would recommend you seek a one on one teacher or if possible, enroll in a local boot-camp or school. So that you can be able to ask questions on whatever you don’t understand.
When you are getting started in programming, you will surely ask a lot of questions. So if you don’t learn from one on one tutor whom you can ask any question and get direct answer. And you follow online tutorials whom you cannot reach out to ask some questions. Then you will not understand the fundamentals well, and you will later end up thinking coding is difficult.
I don’t claim to know any good java or JavaScript tutorial sources, what I want is the best for you. That’s why am saying, if you are getting started in programming then enroll in school or seek out to one on one tutor.
Final Thought on the Above Two Programming Languages
Alright folks, that is it for this article that was a very high-level view of the difference between Java vs JavaScript.
But if let you go, I do want to recap…
So in terms of history, Java and JavaScript have a much intertwined relationship. At the beginning JavaScript people needed to ride the wave surrounding Java and hopefully squash Microsoft web browsers Internet Explorer. The Java people saw web browsers and Netscape as a potential platform for Java’s future, at the beginning both languages handle different things.
JavaScript was able to add some interactivity to websites, Java was to be used for interactive television button workout. They did eventually find their sweet spot in the form of server-side computing.
In terms of defining features, Java is a statically typed object-oriented language. Meaning you need to be explicit with the things you declare and you can’t change the values of certain variables and you’re also forced to use classes.
JavaScript has object-oriented capabilities but you’re not forced to use those classes like you are in Java.
What can you build with both of them?
Well Java is better for larger scale projects and enterprise software because it can handle more data and more computing. It’s more stable and it’s currently used in the new Internet of things movement.
JavaScript was reserved for the front end of websites in the past, it went hand-in-hand with HTML and CSS to add some interactivity. It very stable, web sites semi recently you can now use JavaScript through node.js to build applications outside the environment of a web browser.
So JavaScript is no longer reserved for the front end aspect of web sites, you can now use it to build out the back-end component of a website.
In terms of hiring…
Java still pays more but that doesn’t mean you should sleep on JavaScript. No, it’s definitely has all of the momentum.
So that’s all for you and I hope you find it very educative? Let me hear your thought on java vs JavaScript in the comment box below.