Imagined you would have known how to make money coding earlier. How much would you have earned over the past years? Trust me, you would have earned a lot of money. You would have bought that your dream car with your coding skills. The amount of money you can make in programming is endless because we are currently in a technological world. And programming is one of the top skills in demand.
So what do you think, can’t you make $990+ monthly coding online and offline?
The main reason why you might be thinking that it’s impossible to make money coding is that you don’t know how to earn some $$$ with codes. And am sure that’s exactly why you are here, looking for ways to make money as a software engineer, web or mobile developer right?
If you have any experience in languages and frameworks such as C++, Java, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, Python, Reacts, NET, Angular, Node JS, PHP, and any other none included language, Congratulations!.
You have landed on the right platform. I will give you all the top guides on how I have been making money after graduating as a software engineer. I will not hide anything because I want the best for you. So I will include all the pros and cons and guide you on what do to and what not to do.
But if you still have some doubt on whether…
Can you make money coding or programming from home?
Table of Contents
The straight answer is yes, you can make millions of money by coding from home. I know this is hard to believe if you have never made money online with your coding skills before. But am here to tell you that it’s possible. And am living proof, am currently working 9-5 as a software architect.
But trust me, 60% of my earnings come from programming contractual projects. These sources of earnings are all from people who are in demand of my skills. And what do I do? I’m a software engineer, and all I do is write code for a living.
So if you are new to this technological world and am telling you is easy to make money, you need to believe. Because am going to show you how you can go about it yourself.
You just need to trust yourself in the skills you have and everything will work perfectly for you. One of the biggest prisons you live in is the negative thought of yourself. This is your biggest enemy and you surely need to do something about it. “End things before they end you.”
There are a lot of companies looking for developers with some coding skills to work on their projects for them. So don’t you think if you have the necessary skills these guys are going to hire you? If yes, then don’t you think your service will be converted into money?
Today, you don’t need to go from one company to the other begging for employment. There are so many online job boards where companies advertise their ads. Reaching out to these platforms and applying for a job is the easiest way to make money coding online.
That’s just a hack of one method and it’s not even the right way. So just stick with me and let me show you how to make money as a programmer?
How to Make Money With Programming?
![how to make money programming from home how to make money programming?](
By the end of this article, I will say warmly goodbye to all programmers who want to make money coding. And the reason is that you will finally know how to make over $9890+ coding from home.
There are so many ways to make money online from affiliate marketing to becoming a Youtuber. The key is that all programmers can earn a significant amount of money every month with the skills they have. If you have been coding for a while without earning anything, your problem is solved.
I will show you a quick way to increase your earnings and how to achieve financial freedom.
Pay very close attention to below list of hacks am going to give you, it’s essential for your success…
15 Guaranteed Ways to Make Money Coding
1. Blogging In The Coding Niche
There is something called passive income which is referred to as making money consistently without working. Is that possible? Can you really make money without working? Yes, but you need to put in some effort at the beginning first before the money will roll into your account every month.
Blogging is one way of making money as a developer. And if you think this is an old system, then think again. There are so many bloggers who are making over $990+ every month. And all they did was to set up a Worldpress blog with Bluehost with no coding skills.
They didn’t develop the site themselves, they bought a WordPress theme from platforms like template monster.
So what do you think?
Even those without any coding skills are making money with blogging, then how much more you a programmer? Don’t underestimate yourself, my friend, there is money in blogging and you being a developer have much more advantage of earning than those with no technical skills.
You can earn more with this idea by writing programming tutorials or tips about some programming languages. And what you need to do next to watch the money roll in is to put some affiliate links or ads in your content.
Remember, that is not the only way you can monetize a blog. In case you didn’t know, blog monetization is simply the various ways bloggers make money from their content. Currently, there are so many platforms that offer various technical courses.
You can sign-up to any of these platforms as an affiliate and promote some of their courses in your blog. Whenever any of your users click on your affiliate link to make a purchase, you will earn a commission.
How awesome blogging could be, it can turn into a full-time income. And the good side of it is that all your earnings are passive. That means after a few months of hard work, you will not be required to work before you will earn.
Blogging is good my friend and having one as a developer will add more value to your portfolio to attract more potential clients. I set up this little blog in the middle of last year and it brings in good money that helps to cut some of my bills each month.
So don’t underestimate the power of blogging if you are a developer. Am your co-software engineer who is into blogging, and is a good source of income so don’t leave money on the table, my friend.
Is Blogging A Good Source Of Income For Programmers?
I do see people asking this question whenever I talk about blogging as a developer. If you have been blogging for a while then you know exactly how worthy blogging can be. A lot of developers are afraid of getting into blogging because they think they don’t have good writing skills.
But the question is do you need a degree in writing to start a blog?
You don’t need any degree to get into blogging because once your blog is set up, you are the one to decide which content to post. So since you have full control of your blog, do you think there will be someone who will be required to check on your educational background?
I’m not trying to tell you that you are going to become a millionaire by starting a blog. No that’s not what am trying to point out here.
But trust me, if you consistently put in much effort into your blog, it will soon replace your full-time income. (Mark my words)
One advantage of having a blog as a developer is that it will also help you to improve your skills. There is a theory in psychology that says “If you want to remember something for long, teach others.”
So not only will you be making money, but you will also be improving your skills which will increase your value. Blogging is for everyone my friend if you think it too clouded then remember “the pie is too big, is up to you to cut your share.”
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You will soon realize the power of having a blog as a developer when you take immediate action on what am saying. Remember, am not trying to convince or force you to go and start a blog. But what you should know is that am a developer, and I have been blogging for a while. If there is nothing good in it, there is no way I would recommend it to you.
I want the best for you.
So I want you to start your own blog in the coding niche as a second source of income.
It doesn’t cost much to set up a blog, you can use this free Bluehost 30% discount to start a WordPress blog plus a free domain name.
I do recommend you choose WordPress because that’s what is working for me and almost all the top-earning bloggers are also using it.
WordPress has free themes you can use when setting up your blog. But if you want a high-performance SEO theme, then I recommend you purchase one from template monster. With just $10 you can get a very good SEO theme that will increase your monthly traffic. In case you hate writing, then below is the best method for getting a freelancing project
2. Freelancing
If you perform a Google search of how to make money coding for beginners? You will find “freelancing” in almost all the first 20 lists. But wait, am going to show you the best way to go about this because the olden method of getting freelancing jobs doesn’t work anymore.
So how can you make money coding as a freelance developer?
How to make money freelance coding?
First let me tell you what is meant by freelancing before I show you the proven approach.
We are now in a digital world, unlike the olden days where you have to walk from one company to the other begging for employment. Things have changed and you can easily sit in the comfort of your house and make millions of money each month.
There are so many platforms including websites and apps where companies search for competent people with some required skills to work on their project. This type of work is basically based on a short-term contract, but it can lead to a full-time job based on your effort.
This is hard to understand but as you progress you will understand what am trying to point out. I couldn’t get any project in my first 2 months of freelancing, I nearly quit using this method. But later I figured out that I was doing things wrongly, I do see new developers doing the same mistake I did.
It very bad and it will never get you a single project. Before you can win more projects which will increase your earnings, there are basic things you need to do and without it, no company will assign a project to you.
I will not tell you that freelancing is easy. No, is very competitive because there are a lot of developers out there who are going to be bidding on the same project with you. So there are certain things most companies require that you need to implement to stand out from the rest.
What should you do to make more money coding online as a freelance developer?
1. Have a convincing reference projects
Do you know the main reason why most companies conduct an interview before hiring an applicant?
Just think about it and place yourself in the shoes of one company manager. How will you find the best employee that has all the necessary skills that will meet your company’s demands? You will surely conduct an interview to find out if the applicant is well fit for the job right?
Because if you don’t, you will hire the wrong person which will have great impact on the growth of the company.
The same is true when it comes to freelancing, all companies want to see the kind of project you have done. They need this to see if you have the skills to develop the project they want. If you want to make money coding with this approach, then consider having a reference of a good 2 or 3 convincing projects first.
You don’t necessarily need to host this in your portfolio. All you need is to host it somewhere else and include the screenshot of it in your portfolio. Then whenever you bid on any project, just include the link of your portfolio and it will do the magic for you. (I never did this in the beginning and I never won any project)
Trust me, am giving you all the proven hacks that are currently working in the system. The key here is to invest 2 or 3 months and develop a very good reference project with good looking UI that will convince companies that you are the right candidate for their required project.
2. Have a clean portfolio
Almost 78% of company managers are going to instruct you to submit your portfolio during the recruiting process. This does not necessarily mean you should have a first-class portfolio that has never been seen before.
The portfolio is just a summary of what you know and what you have done with the skills you have. And because of this, a specific manager can ask all applicants who are seeking employment to submit their portfolio. What they will do next is to shortlist all the submitted portfolios and choose the one that meets their company’s demands.
They can decide not to call for an interview, they sometimes just call the chosen applicant to discuss the salary and other 2 or 3 things.
That’s the whole idea behind a portfolio. It’s just a brief document that tells everything about you concerning your chosen career. But remember to create a different portfolio for all the careers you have. Because I see a lot of people with more than 2 careers but they end up submitting the same single portfolio wherever it required.
So what does a clean portfolio has to do with getting freelancing jobs?
Well, imagine you have a portfolio with this bad UI design:
- Web page not responsive.
- Text on the site can’t be seen clearly.
- The web page takes 5 minutes to load.
- Image size overlapping the whole screen.
Ask yourself, if you want to design your company website and you see these above errors in your developer portfolio, will you hand over the project to a different programmer or not?
You will surely do, because the portfolio clearly tells you exactly the kind of result you will get.
So tell me…
Don’t you think is important to have a clean portfolio before applying for freelancing jobs?
All you need to do is to include all your skills and the ULR of the past project you have worked on. But remember what I told you, design your portfolio well and let it look good with better performance. It will be best if you can include an image of yourself at work and also a screen screenshot of your past project.
Note: Don’t do the mistake of including levels of experience you have in a specific programming language. A lot of people do this and I actually don’t know what’s their problem is. You will see them doing something like:
- JavaScript – level of experience 45%
- Python – level of experience 50%
- Java – level of experience 60%
Don’t include something like this in your portfolio okay. It will cause managers to throw a lot of questions at you during interviews. “hey, you said your level of experience in java is 60% In that case, can you please program this robot to cook for me?”
One bad side of this too is that if there are 20 job seekers available, the manager will try and look for the next applicant who has a high level of experienced stated in your portfolio.
So don’t do that mistake, my friend, it really not necessary to include the level of experience you have. Just let them know the skills you have and the past project you have worked on and bam, you will be on a roll.
3. Include your certificate or degree in your portfolio (hot hack)
I know exactly what you are going to ask me if you have been attending boot camps without a computer science degree.
How can I include my certificate in my portfolio whiles I don’t have one?
I heard you can get coding jobs without CS-degree, so what are you talking about?
Hey, so because of coding jobs you want me to go back to school to acquire a software engineering certificate?
I know all these above thoughts might be going on in your head. But stick with me for a while and let me tell you the whole truth and what exactly you need to do. You don’t necessarily need a CS degree to apply for coding jobs. But remember this secret, most top tech company’s visit college schools a minimum of twice a year to interview students to fill their junior dev position.
This is a secret they don’t want you to know. And it also proves why developers with CS-degree find it easier to find employment than those without a degree.
But this does not necessarily mean you must have a CS degree to get employed as a developer. Google and Microsoft have revealed that almost 65% of their developing team are without a computer science degree. “Where success is required, people are not measured based on their educational background. People are measured base on their level of thinking and problem-solving skill.”
But if you have one, then include it in your portfolio because it will increase your chance of winning more projects. But remember not to include the full image of your certificate, because you might not know what others may do with it.
4. Build a clone of popular apps/website and add it to your portfolio (hot guide)
Here comes one important task that is required to be done by all developers before applying for a job. Company managers are already aware that once you call yourself a developer, you do nothing other than writing codes.
But do you know one big problem with these managers?
They don’t care how many lines of code you have written in the past years. What they want to see is proof of previous projects you have done. They don’t care if you have been writing 100,000 lines of code each day. They have a simple rule, “hey developer, show me some of your previous works and let me see.”
If you even want to apply for an internship position as a junior developer, almost 80% of company recruiters are going to ask about your previous projects.
The same is true with those posting freelancing jobs on most advertising platforms. They will ask about your previous works to verify that you can meet his or her project requirement.
So what should you do as a programmer?
The short guide is this…
Develop 1 or two projects on every single skill you have. So if you are experienced in Java programming, android, ios, and python programming, you can make money coding in these areas by showcasing some of your previous works in your portfolio.
As I said previously, see your portfolio as your lawyer. If you will win the project (the case) or not, it depends on it, so know how you will leave your client impressed after seeing your portfolio. I don’t mean you should go out there and include all kinds of animations when designing your portfolio. Just make it simple and clean in a way that will convince managers that you are a real developer.
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There are so many freelancing platforms you can start with including, freelancer, up-work, and many more. So consider applying all the above hacks I have given you and start applying for coding jobs and watch the money roll in your pocket.
If you want to become the next Mark Zuckerberg and code the next hitting online business, then consider this…
3. Create a website that solves a problem
Programming can be fun but getting to know how to make money with code is the problem. This is because what you might think will work will not sometimes. I have released almost 20+ software’s into the market since I started coding. But people find only a few of it as the solution to their problems.
This can be very challenging and if you don’t discipline yourself enough, you will end up with nothing.
The main reason why most of my software failed in the market is that the problems that I was trying to solve were already solved.
I hope you have faced this several times in your coding career?
Well, it time to…
- Do it correctly
- Master how to make money coding for beginners
- Know how to make $9900 from 5000 lines of code.
- Make money coding from home
- Make money online through coding
Let us analyze the problem then, we will find a concrete solution. Imagine trying to solve a problem that already has a solution with your software.
Will people buy the software?
They will never buy it since there is a free way of solving the same problem.
But don’t let that fool you, they will buy it if the software:
- Makes it easy to solve the problem faster than what is being done for free
- Includes other benefits to it users other than a single problem-solving software
So what exactly am I trying to point out and what should you do?
What I want you to know is that you can make more money coding your own website that solves some problems. Let take Facebook as an example, do you think Mark didn’t have an idea of making money with it when he started?
He did and that has led to the high growth of his company. Currently, you can use Facebook ads to advertise all your business products. You can promote your business page to reach out to more customers.
So you can see that Facebook has solved the problem of making your products known to the world.
You can also do the same by developing an app or website that provides a solution to some problems. You can do this by conducting an online survey on some subject. Then based on the user’s feedback, you can analyze the problem. It doesn’t mean you can use codes to solve every problem in the world, no. You can’t code software that will execute from the PC and come to your house and cook for you. If that’s what you want, then get into robotics.
So the key here is to make sure your software solves some problems. Because no one is going to be using a website or software that doesn’t do anything at all. If people are going to be purchasing your software, then it must provide some value in return. “No one will throw money in the air for nothing.”
Also make sure that when you find a problem that you want to solve, analyze the solutions that already exist. Then you can go ahead and use your coding skills to develop something that will make people’s life easy.
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The sky is your limit, there are thousands of problems in the world. And if the markets accept your product, the amount of money you will make is countless.
What you should know is that you can’t do everything by yourself. The fact that you are a programmer doesn’t mean you can code all kinds of apps, no. Sometimes the level of experience you will have on something may be too small to solve your target problem. In this case, you need to learn how to delegate some tasks to other programmers.
This also goes to those without any coding skills. If you have some idea that will boom the market, you can hire a software developer to work on your project for you. The fact that you don’t have any coding skills doesn’t mean you should kill ideas. “There are others who are born dreamers, and others are the doers.”
So whatever idea you have you can surely hire someone to make it a reality if you don’t have the necessary skills to achieve it.
4. Code and sell WordPress themes to make money
If you have been coding for almost 4 years now, you surely know that you can make millions of money by selling WordPress themes. This is true because WordPress is the most popular CMS platform for building different kinds of websites,s especially blogs.
The main reason why this platform keeps growing is that it gives people with no coding skills be the ability to create their own website in few minutes.
So what should you do?
Well, the key here is not to be developing the next CMS platform but to make use of the growing one. And the hack is to create a theme and make money with it by selling it on different online marketing platforms. And guess what, with just a single theme, you can sell it to different people.
So you can surely see that is one of the top passive income ideas for developers. And who doesn’t like cashing in whiles sleeping on the couch every day?
So if you are an experienced WordPress developer, then kindly take an advantage of this opportunity. You can start by creating 3 to 5 themes and market it on different platforms. It might take a couple of days to get your first item purchased because you need some good marketing skills to fully succeed in this area.
Check also: How JavaScript drag and drop made elementor so popular for wordpress.
It doesn’t mean you can’t succeed in this area of making money with your coding skills if you have no digital marketing knowledge. You can surely make it because most of the online marketing platforms will market your theme for you for free without you doing anything.
But as I said, if you want to speed the process, then you can learn digital marketing and increase the number of sales to make each day. One thing I love about this method of making money as a developer is that you can sell a single theme to different people.
But one thing you should be aware of is that the market is clouded now. So in other to succeed, you need to be selling themes that are highly in demand. One category you can focus on is blogging templates because according to Forbes a minimum of 567 blogs were set up each month in 2019.
One other successful area is landing page templates or themes. So the sky is your limit, you can also do some little research on which growing category to get into.
But if you don’t have experience in WordPress development, you can surely learn it easily. There are so many platforms you can learn from for free. But if you want to learn it fast, then look for a boot-camp program and enroll.
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How you will get paid whenever your theme is purchased depends on the payment method of the platform that will host your themes. Template monster pays developers through both PayPal and Bank transfers.
I don’t know of Theme-forest which is also one popular platform because I don’t host my templates there. But if that’s what you want, then you can do a little research about their payment method.
How much can you make selling wordpress themes?
I can’t tell you exactly that you will make $100+ the very day you publish your template. The earning with this approach can’t be calculated directly because you can make 5 sales today and only 2 the next day. So you see, you can’t confidently say that you will earn $909 today and $200 tomorrow because your earnings will be based on the number of sales that will make each day.
Below is the most popular method of making money online creating coding tutorial…
5. Create a YouTube channel
If you are still alive reading this post then you surely know what YouTube is because my grandma does. It is the most popular online platform for hosting videos of all types. Kids, students, doctors, lawyers, ministers, programmers, and even grandmothers and fathers are all using it.
But do you know that whiles others are using this platform for entertainment it a second source of income for others?
A lot of peoples are making money on this platform simply by recording and uploading their daily activities. Gamers, musicians, and almost sort of peoples with different careers can make money on YouTube. You don’t necessarily need to be a professional video editor, with just a smartphone or a camera you can easily get into it yourself.
Can you also make money with this method as a developer?
The short answer is yes and the best way is to start by creating coding tutorials. The good thing with this approach is that you will be improving your coding skills while teaching others. And you will also be making passive income as well. If you are dedicated enough, you can make almost $600+ every month with few subscribers.
But remember, before YouTube will approve your channel for monetization you need to meet these two requirements:
- Your channel must have at least 1000 subscribers.
- You need to have a watch time of 4000 in the past 12 months.
This is really easy to get because whenever any of your videos goes viral, you will get a lot of subscribers.
The key to becoming successful with YouTube is to make use of this guide “Focus on quality over quantity.” I see a lot of people uploading videos consistently, but it not necessarily about how many videos you will upload each day. It about the quality of content in your video, If people love your content, YouTube will suggest it to a lot of its viewers.
So keep it slow and create meaningful coding tutorials with the aim of helping others but not for money. If you do this the money will roll in by itself. You must also learn how to interact nicely with your viewers.
Because if your viewers really like your content, some of them will support your channel with little funds, and who knows how much this may add up to?
So it actually depends on how much effort you will put into it because if you are dedicated enough, you can make a full-time income on YouTube. If you want more help on this or you want to learn how to code, then subscribe to my coding channel for easy tips.
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What I want to show you next may seem too complicated. But others have made a fortune in it and if one person has been able to do it then it surely means you can too.
6. Take part in coding competition
I think the easiest skill to make money currently is by learning how to code. I’m saying this because programmers have so many ways they can earn other sources of income.
I have heard it sir, just tell me how to make money by participating in coding competitions.
There are so many platforms over the internet that you can practice your coding skills for free. Some of these platforms charge a monthly membership fee but that’s not what I want to tell you. What I want you to know is how you can make money coding online.
Some of these platforms sometimes organize coding competitions for their members and reward the winner in a cash prize. I know this sound somehow because who knows when exactly you will win some of this prize. And even if you can win, can you win all the time?
So this is just one-time quick money because you can’t surely say you will win the next coding competition. So I only recommend this approach for those who want to improve their coding skills by competing with others. But if your main aim is to make money with this method, then you better do something else, bro.
That’s the true fact no lies. There is a saying that says “If you are the smart person in the room then you are in the wrong room.” So if you think you are smart, then its time to step out and compete with others and learn something new.
One big advantage of this guide is that it helps you to learn more from others. Because you will get the chance of seeing how others write their code and how they organize their project files. I remember one of my YouTube students told me sometimes that he has never learned how to write clean code, he copied everything in my coding tutorials.
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So what you should know is that you can’t master everything in programming. But once you are still breathing, you need to push yourself enough to learn all the necessary skills that will get the job done. It a great way to get paid to code online but remember the aim of these platforms is not to entertain programmers but to help them to improve their coding skills.
And coding competition is one of the top sources you can get the chance to learn from best-experienced developers. So invest in yourself and take part in some of these coding challenges. There are free platforms that do this for free too. Especially if you are a Flutter developer, then you have seen people taking part in the Google project submit challenges.
Below is the best source of income for developers…
7. Make $900+ coding by selling WordPress plugin
Aside from making money with WordPress themes, you can also earn more by selling plugins. A lot of developers have achieved great success with this guide. If you are a wordpress user yourself, you know how much some of the plugin cost already.
You don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel if you think you are not creative enough. You can take an already existing idea and add more features to it to make it more popular. I know this may involve writing a lot of code and it can be cumbersome figuring out how things are working in the market.
I’m not here to promise you that you are going to become a millionaire with this idea. But what I want you to know is that “for every effort, there is a result.” To make your plugin known to thousands of people, you surely need to put in some effort.
Especially when it comes to marketing, that’s one big thing we all developers hate. After 3+ days of sleepless nights, you still have to market the project after completion. One hack I use to market my product is to offer it to affiliate marketers to advertise it on a commission.
I think that’s the best way to go because most of us are not that popular when it comes to building social media followers.
So that’s it, my friend, if you have seen some problem that you can develop a WordPress plugin to solve then create it. Because you might not know what result will come out of it if you ignore it.
Unlike the past where the market for plugins wasn’t much competition. Now, there is almost a plugin for everything, and to succeed in this area, you surely need a concrete idea that will provide a shocking value to your users.
This shouldn’t be related to only WordPress plugins because there are so many things programmers can do.
For example, you can also develop a chat-bot service where people will pay a monthly fee to make use of the service. You can also develop some small product that helps to convert different kinds of images into a different format. This guide doesn’t actually bring in much money but you can make use of ads to make money from your visitors.
There is always a way and an opportunity for improvement. So don’t think because there are so many products in the market yours won’t be considered. Remember, the success pie is too big for you to cut your own share.
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So how much exactly can you make by selling WordPress plugins?
Well as you already know, all the sources of earnings on this thing called the internet are fully passive. So you can’t predict exactly how much you can make every month. But the key is to think of an idea and bring something beneficial into the market. When your product is accepted and is used by many people, you will make a lot of money.
That’s not a promise though but I know what am talking about because I have been in this for long.
8. Get Paid To Code For A Tech Company
When I was doing a little research about this heading “Ways to make money coding” I didn’t find anyone talking about coding jobs in the top 10 list of Google search.
Is there something wrong with software engineering or web development jobs?
The main reason why most content writers don’t include this piece of information is that they think coding is only meant for online works. But that is not necessarily the case because there are thousands of companies that don’t operate online and they still have programmers in their team.
An example is a firm in Silicon Valley called E-properties which is a real estate firm. And they have a local server for their business and guess what, the coding team of the company are those who are responsible for writing codes to interact with the server.
The company does not operate online but they still require the service of experienced software engineers. So tell me, is coding only meant for online works?
So it time to get your resume or CV ready and start applying for coding jobs. Just guest how much Google, Microsoft, and Apple developers are making and you will realize that it’s important to have a coding job.
The payment is good and we all know that programmers are among one of the best-paid employees. But the hustle arises when getting into one of these high-paying companies, a bunch of interview questions.
That’s a real fact because all companies want to hire the right result-oriented candidates. This is where the competition is, everyone wants to secure a good position in a company that pays well.
But don’t look down on yourself, you will get one. But you need to take some action because if you don’t do something, no free honey will fall into your mouth. Remember that most companies are willing to pay experienced developers who can code a project on time. And they are also ready to fire the inexperienced programmers.
So this should motivate you that there will always be in demand of people with coding skills.
Before you start applying for coding jobs, make sure you have your portfolio or resume ready. And make sure they include all the necessary information’s a programmer should have in his resume.
Also, you need to learn how to communicate effectively and some basic interview tips. As far as payment is concerned, you will surely be interviewed. The good thing is that other developers have posted their interview videos onto YouTube.
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Your goal is to search for any of these coding interviews and learn some technical tips. If you find one, you can also contact the person directly for guidance. Most of the developers are willing to help each other so don’t be thinking they will see you as an inexperienced guy.
Remember, before you can reach some destination, you need to start somewhere. So it doesn’t matter where you are now or how your past has been, all that matters is where you are going. Get rid of the self-doubting mentality and apply for coding jobs.
Some companies will not offer you the position and others too will not even have a look at your application. But don’t let this fool you, it normal we have all been rejected so many times. So no matter how the odds are, just keep applying for jobs and your time will come.
All the successful people like Bill Gates and Jack Ma have all been turned down multiple times. And they didn’t let the fear of being rejected have anything to do with their success. They kept pushing until they got exactly what they want.
So my friend, do it for yourself and shock all those who think you can’t secure a coding job.
9. Mentor or coach junior developers for a fee
Unlike the past where teens of 19 years didn’t know what coding is meant for, but now things have changed. Most of the 9-year kids know HTML, CSS, and some fundamentals of JavaScript. So guess what, the world is changing and everyone is ready to learn how to code from home.
But do you know that some beginners are willing to pay for mentorship?
Well, you have heard it and others are actually making money with this approach. I myself have not made any money with this one-on-one mentorship guide. So am not here to brag to you that I have made $9000+ and you should try.
But I have achieved a lot of success from my YouTube coding subscriber. Some of them have been sponsoring the channel nicely because of the coding lessons I have been giving them. And I have also read many success stories of most developers who have been earning $500+ monthly mentoring newbie developers.
So this is not a quick hack for beginners who want to make money coding online from home. But it indeed a secret guide for top experienced developers, it a good way to make money from the skills you have already learned.
So I actually don’t recommend this approach if you have just started coding. It probably the only option in this list of coding tips you need to skip.
Top developers can make money with this method because coding can be cumbersome sometimes. And we all sometimes end up outsourcing from stack-overflow, but what if you can’t find your answers?
That’s where most people turn to look for mentors who can guide them to become good at coding. You can find a lot of new developers who need help and offer them mentorship on most platforms like Facebook and other coding communities.
The key to success in this area is to continually answer questions asked by new developers and build a relationship with them. Sometimes they will not directly tell you to mentor them, but there is nothing wrong telling them yourself that you will coach them for a fee.
A word of caution, before you get into this make sure you are much experienced in your field.
10. Sell coding course to earn $90+ monthly
If you have been following YouTube or Udemy coding tutorials, then you know already what am going to talk about. A lot of developers are busily creating tutorials here and there on different coding platforms.
What do you think is their main aim of sitting in front of the laptop and be recording more than 2 hour course?
You know the answer already yourself and is not something that am going to brag about. But the truth is that you can make money coding by selling courses to beginners who want to learn something you already know.
This is not something that you need a prove of it to get started, you already know that we are now in digital world and many people are interested in learning technical stuffs.
This is a recommended way to make money online coding for both beginners and top experienced programmers. You can really make some good money with this idea and is fully passive, so guess what? You will be sleeping on the couch and be cashing in just after few months of hustle.
One benefit of it is that you will build a good relationship with others. Those who will buy your course will be contacting you all the time and you will get the opportunity to mentor them. And you already aware of what I said above of mentorship, it pays when you find the right candidate.
You will have the opportunity to expand your network to all those who buy your course. This can bring you more projects, your network is really important and almost 60% of your achievement in any field depends on the people you surround yourself with.
This is a great method that I want you to get started with if you want to make money with your coding skills. Because you will be improving your skill very well yourself as you keep teaching others.
I recommend this guide to almost all those with any technical skill including graphic designers, UI designers, video editors, 3D animators, and SEO specialists. Many peoples are willing to learn all kinds of technical skills to improve their career, so this is not only for those who know how to code.
There are so many platforms you can sell your coding course, s many and these are the popular ones you can start with:
These are the top platforms to get your course sold easily but if you know of other platforms, feel free to go with that one. “One man meat is another man’s poison.”
What you should know with regards to how much you can earn with this approach is that “the more your course get purchased, the more money you will make.” I’m saying this because a lot of people think the fact that you have uploaded your course for sale, you will defiantly make money each day.
No that’s not how it works, it just like having a real groceries shop. The more they buy from you, the more money you will make and hence if you don’t make any sales you will earn nothing. So think of it that way so that you will have a real understanding of how it works.
One way you can increase your earning is by putting in more effort into marketing your courses. You can do this in so many ways:
- Offer your course to affiliate marketers to promote it for you on a commission bases
- Know where your audience live and let them know of your course
- Create a social media page to advertise your course
- Take advantage of coding Facebook groups, there are new beginners who will be interested in purchasing your course.
A lot of people think once your course is set up on these various marketing platforms, there is no action needed on your part again. This is true because these platforms will market your courses for you.
![How to make money while learning to code? How to make money while learning to code?](
But what you should know is that you are not the only content creator. There might be other developers who have already uploaded the same course you want to sell. So what do you think will happen if 50 programmers are selling the same course with you on the same platform?
There will be a high competition and your course may be sorted in the 40th position in the search list.
You can surely see that if you depend on these platforms only for sales, you will not earn much. So my little advice to make more sales than other developers is that you should put in some effort to market your course personally.
This may require you to learn digital marketing first, but it’s worth it because you will have more advantage over other content creators.
So don’t think this approach is a get-rich-quick guide. No, you need to put in some effort first before you can earn something.
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Get your camera ready and record all the skills you have and offer it for sale. You don’t necessarily need to show your face on the camera if you are a little bit shy. You can use screen recording software to record what you are teaching. Also, make sure your voice is clear and move the mouse pointer accordingly to what you are drawing attention on.
If you are really passionate about creating a long term passive income, then…
11. Create a subscription-based app
This is another method of making money consistently for those who know how to code. And since the title of this article is “How to make money coding online for beginners?” you are reading this because you are a programmer.
I’m sure you know exactly what subscription based app is and how it operate. Well, let me tell you something about it…
A subscription-based app or website is a system that charges its members monthly for the services provided. Here is a simple example for you to understand how it works. Let say I have created a website where professional dog trainers discuss how to train dogs.
Here the service that I’m providing to my members is for them to learn “how to train dogs.” So what I have to do is to implement a system that will charge every registered member of the site $20 every month. This system runs on autopilot, meaning if a member does not redeem his account after the month, he will be restricted from accessing certain functionalities.
That’s all the whole idea of running a subscription-based service. It really brings in a lot of money because taking the above example. If I have 200 registered members and 100 of them consistently redeem their account for $20 each month, I will be making $2,000 every month.
So you can surely see that’s a lot of money and if I put in more effort to get more members, the more money I will make.
So I surely recommend this approach of making money coding from home. Once you work hard on this to a high level of growth, trust me you will be shocked at how much you will cash in every blessed month.
This guide works very well for website or apps that provide some useful value. Because no one would like to pay for a service that doesn’t provide any value in return to its business or personal life.
So it mainly about thinking and coming up with the right idea that will provide a solution to some problems. This could be a simple service that analyzes the performance of your member’s website.
There is a lot of software in the market that helps to make our lives easy. You don’t have to see these as your competitors because there is always room for improvement. And as far as we are imperfect human beings, there will always be problems to be solved.
You don’t need to be thinking that big tech companies have solved all technical problems and there is no software you can develop to make life easy.
That negative thinking will not get you anywhere closer to your dreams. Remember what I said, “we are imperfect human beings, and so we are full of problems and until we become perfect, our problems will never end.”
You have within your ears a super machine that can build and destroy, it all depends on how you think and execute.
If you have an idea that you can charge others to pay for such service consistently, then put in some action. It doesn’t take 2 or more ideas to be successful, just a single one and you will be good to go.
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Just imagine how much makes every single month. All they have to do is to charge members &55+ fees to read the content on the site. I know what you are thinking, why should I pay $55+ to read articles whiles there’s so many blog post out there for free?
This looks somehow to you, right? Yes, I know, but what you don’t know is that they also pay experienced content writers to provide them articles. You can also do the same if you have some idea that can bring you millions of money each month.
Below comes the best method I have been waiting to show you…
12. Make money with a coding podcast
You do remember I told you earlier on that you can make money blogging or creating YouTube videos about coding right?
Yes, but look at it this way, there are 4 main types of popular content, text, video, images, and audio. Do you know that audio is the best content for carrying out information from one person to another?
If you don’t know, then listen to what am going to tell you. If you want your employees to take you seriously, always pass information in audio form with your own voice. The main reason why most people don’t take text content seriously is that the possibility of it being a rumor is 95%.
This is because anyone can put himself in the position of another person and use his identity to write something to others. Just take this statement as an example “I will shut down the operation of my Tesla company next month.”
What do you have in your mind?
You are probably wondering why am speaking as if am Elon Musk?
Yes am not him, so you see it’s cumbersome to believe a rumor spread in a form of text.
But we are all aware of the voice of the peoples we know right? You know the voice of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates very well, if you don’t I need to whip you because they are all programmers.
So if we hear some information in the audio form of Elon Musk’s voice, it easy to believe that he’s the one speaking. That’s just one advantage of audio content over text that I want you to know.
So how can you make money with audio content or podcast while learning to code?
It just likes owning a blog or YouTube channel, the only difference is that you will deliver your content in an audio form instead of a text or video. Your goal is to sell your coding podcast to others just like how audiotape is being sold.
If you don’t want to sell it you can publish them freely on your YouTube channel or blog and make money with ads. But this will require you to build a great brand and the reason is that “no one would like to listen to a podcast of someone from nowhere who claims to know how to code.”
This is really a great way to a long-term passive income because we all like listening to tapes of something we love. And I have personally bought a lot of coding podcasts over the past.
So I do suggest you take advantage of this coding hack. But if you are a lover of books and you want to create a top passive income source then…
13. Make money with coding EBooks
I remember during my childhood, there was a book called “my first copybook.” This is the book that helped me to know all the alphabetical characters. I really don’t know about other kids but I think am the one who has bought the highest quantity of it.
I was so dumb during my childhood, I was buying this book month after month. So that I would be able to read and write, and do you know what?
I couldn’t read until I got to the age of 11, so guess the number of copies I have bought. The reason was that if I buy one this month, after the next 2 months I have to buy a new one because it will be old and weak.
But if I would have knew of EBooks, I would have saved a lot of money.
Coding is hard, coding is for genius, coding is not for the dumb kids.
These are all the kinds of things new developers say when their getting bugs in their project. But is programming really hard?
No, programming is very easy because is all about knowing the concept behind the code you are writing. One big problem with new developers is that they try to memorize codes, instead of learning the concept?
This is an advantage for you to make money from your coding skills.
If you are an experienced developer, you can make money with coding E-books easily. You have more experience than these newbie developers, so you can write a coding E-Book of some of the concepts you know.
This doesn’t mean you have to know everything or you need to write 500 pages of E-book before you can sell it. No, you can simply explain the concept behind a specific subject in a way that new developers can understand easily.
You don’t have to think about the money when people find your books to be beneficial, they will buy more and recommend it to others.
This is a very good long-term passive income for programmers. Once your E-book is published in the market, you will sell it over and over again.
You don’t need to set up your own online E-book store, you can use Pay-hip to host your books and accept payment through PayPal, bank transfer, debit card, and visa.
Pay very close attention to this below guide, I have achieved a lot in it and I don’t want to hide it from you…
14. Affiliate marketing
If you want the easiest and the best way to make money coding from home, start affiliate marketing.
I know what you are thinking…
Hey, I’m a developer and I write code why do you want me to get into marketing?
Am very much aware of what you do but it not always about writing code. Sometimes you need to combine certain skills together before you can achieve something. You already know how to code and I respect that very well.
But does it make sense to be coding the whole month without earning anything in return?
You can easily market coding products in your blog, social media, and your YouTube channel to make some decent money every month. You don’t necessarily need to be a marketing pro before you can get your commission.
What is into affiliate marketing is that you have to promote other products for a commission. Hence the more purchase is made with your affiliate link, the more commission you will earn.
There are so many affiliate programs you can start with including template monster, skill-share, and many more. But since you are a developer I recommend you start with template monster, it has a very high commission on its products. It also has a very low payment threshold, which means with just a single commission you can withdraw your money.
15. Increase Your Coding Skills To Make More Money
Do you know one myth about coding? When you stop learning, you start fading out. This is because technology is not stable and managers want employees to have the latest technological skills.
So this basically means, if you learn the latest high demanding skill, a lot of people will pay you for your service. And also your boss may decide to increase your paycheck or give you a promotion. This approach is very necessary because it increases your value over developers with old technical skills.
Now only few peoples use Ruby-on-Rails, no one is interested in hiring developers with this single skill because they are fading out.
So this is not a get-rich-quick guide to make money coding from home but it a guide that will put more value on you. The key is that before someone will hand over his project to you, he has to make sure you have the necessary skills that will get his work done as he wants.
So imagine having experienced in developing both mobile and desktop apps. If you are to be compared with someone who can only develop mobile apps, whom of you do you think will have the highest value?
It’s definitely you because you are an all-around guy. When there are no mobile development jobs, you will get paid to develop desktop apps. What of the mobile developer? He will be left out jobless until he learns something new.
Conclusion: Making Money Online Coding From Home
You have learned a lot on how to make money coding from home. I know this is a long list of guaranteed guides and the reason is I want you to have multiple sources of income instead of one.
Look within the above list and read it over again and start making money with your coding skills. Programming is a very good career and the amount of money you can make with this skill is countless. Because that’s the most highly demanded skill in the market.
Thank you for being with me all the way to this section. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know in the below input box. That’s all about how to make money coding online from home.
If you are a newbie programmer who wants to learn more programming languages and frameworks, you can subscribe to my channel – Tutorials Camp.
Coding pays very well, just have a look at Java vs JavaScript Developers salary.