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jsx expressions must have one parent element
How To

Fix error – JSX expressions must have one parent element in React

The React.js error “JSX expressions must have one parent element” occurs when you have a component that returns multiple rendered elements. JSX requires that all your expressions or adjacent jsx elements must be wrapped in an enclosing ‘<div>’ tag or a React fragment ‘<><p></p> <>’ so that it will be return as a single container. First, allow me to explain…

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angular generate component in subfolder
Angular 10 Tutorials

Angular generate component in subfolder or subdirectory example

Learn how to generate a component inside subfolder or subdirectory using angular-cli in this practical example. The ng team provides various commands that makes things easy whiles developing your angular application. Although you don’t need to memorize all the commands but there are few related to module, path, and component generation you surely need to know, so let get started.…

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angular disable button example
Angular 10 Tutorials, Web Development

Angular disable button clicks and on condition example

Angular disable button clicks and on condition example, full step-by-step guide. Sometimes it will be very beneficial for you to disable certain buttons for a while until certain task is successfully completed. For example, you can disable the submit button on the registration page after the user clicks on it during http request and wait for 5 seconds until you…

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add double quotes around java object and string
How To

How to add double quotes around java object and string variable

Learn how to add double quotes around java object and string variables by escaping characters in this two-minute guide. In every programming language single-quotes (‘ ’) and double-quotes (“ ”) are used for string variables initialization. Therefore, whenever you use these two symbols around a text, Java, javascript, c# and all other languages will treat such text as a string…

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typescript tuple
Web Development

Typescript Tuples: Explained (With Examples)

Typescript Tuples are special types that is used to define types for each element in an array. There are different data-types available in typescript for performing high complex operations including, string, number, interface, any, Boolean, object, arrays and interface. You can use arrays as stack to define list of items of the same types, but what if you want each…

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embed responsive videos
Web Development, Angular 10 Tutorials, How To

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method or fields: error (fixed)

When you create a new Java program and you initialize a variable or method outside the main method, and you try to execute or reference it, you will encounter a compile time error “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method or a non-static field”.  It doesn’t matter what programming language you use either c#, JavaScript, python, C++ or…

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How long does it take to learn JavaScript?
Web Development

How Long Does It Take to Learn JavaScript?

How long does it take to learn JavaScript for beginners and the time required to get a job? It will take you approximately six to nine months for you to learn JavaScript and master it syntax and fundamentals such as object, closure, promises and callbacks. But if you already know a different programming language like python it won’t take you…

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