JavaScript vs python is the comparison of two programming languages to see which one is better. The way programmers identify which language is good than the other is by checking similarities, key difference, performance, syntax and salary rate. If you want to know all, then this article is a perfect fit for you.
I will show you the best language to choose for your next project and the one that will help you to stand out from all bad programmers. Because to become an effective coder, you must know the right tool to use.
And after this session, you will be able to choose the top programming language used by top tech companies that will get you hired. If that’s all that you need, then let cover it in details below.
What is JavaScript?
Java-Script is a scripting language for developing web applications. It’s an object-oriented language but it also supports procedural programming. It runs in the browser without any compilation needed.
It’s used to provide interactions to webpages with dynamic functionalities which is not possible to have with HTML and CSS. It very fast in terms of performance and it provides support for standard applications like dates and regular expressions.
What is Python?
Python is a highly object-oriented programming language that support different coding paradigm. It also support functional and procedural programming but most professional developers of this language prefer OOP style of writing code.
Don’t be worried, am going to make it simple for you to understand everything.
In this one minute article, you will learn:
- The difference between python and JavaScript real-world applications.
- The performance difference between python and JavaScript
- Python and JavaScript Key syntactic Difference
- Salary of JavaScript VS Python developers
Let get started, I can’t wait to show you all the hacks!
Key Difference between Python and JavaScript
Table of Contents
The true difference between python and JavaScript lies in web development. They are both used to develop web-apps but they don’t do the same thing.
Python is used in server side or back-end development whiles JavaScript is used for both back-end and front-end development. That is the key difference and the only area you can compare JavaScript with Python. Because python is a highly programming language which is used for almost anything and that cannot be said to be true with JavaScript.
And also it easy to get a new job currently as a python developer than JavaScript. This is due to max growing of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Then…
How is JavaScript different from Python?
Have a look at this top Comparisons between Python vs JavaScript before I show you all the hacks.

That’s not the only thing, we can dig in deeper and check the difference between the two based on several factors. Like salary rate and performance and many more, let look at it below.
Python vs. JavaScript Performance
Almost 80% of the programming languages out there require compilation. But JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on a browser. This means, it does not require any compilation steps. Because the built-in engine of browsers understand and execute JavaScript commands directly.
And because of that, you can easily create an HTML file or document and include JavaScript code in it. Trust me, it will run like a charm without compilation. Because it the responsibility of browsers to run JavaScript code and not web users. This makes it really easy for developers to even write JavaScript code with notepad or any simple text editor.
And surely since python require compilation, you can directly predict that it performance cannot be match with JavaScript. In short, JavaScript have a higher performance than python when you compare it with node.js on the server.
JavaScript VS Python: Real-World Applications Comparison
You have probably used many of applications created with both JavaScript and python. Maybe you were so focused on the interface of the apps that you did not realized what was developed with.
Well, let take it one by one and check their key difference.

In a typical web application, we have the front-end and the back-end. Front-end is the interface users see and interact with. But you cannot see what’s happening at the back-end because humans can not directly interact with it.
The one thing that makes JavaScript so popular over python is that it can be used to develop both the server side and the client side of the application. In case you are wondering whether it possible for JavaScript to run on the server, then it is because of it framework called node.js
JavaScript is a great language and it widely used in web-development because it gives us most of the tools we need to develop all the component of web application. And recently, JavaScript is growing like an aircraft, because I see others using it to develop mobile apps with React Native which support native component like android toolbar.
Some programmers too have been developing desktop applications with electron.js which embed the capabilities of JavaScript to run on desktop machines. So currently, JavaScript almost like a general purpose Programming language that run on almost all operating systems. There is no evidence on this though but am much assured that soon it will be able to run everywhere.
A lot of people say python is becoming a general-purpose programming language that will support a lot of programming paradigms. But I do see this to have been taken place already.
Because if you look at the kind of all scientific applications that are coming on the market, you can easily predict that it was coded with python. And that does not mean python is only used for developing scientific applications, no.
You can do almost everything with python but there are pros and cons to it base on different operating system. I will cover that later but I want you to know that…
When it comes to specialized applications, artificial intelligence, computer science, scientific, image processing apps, machine learning, medicine and biology, python is widely used in those areas. And I see no highly growing programming language that can be compared to it in those areas. And remember…
It’s mostly used in web development with a very popular framework called Django. This is the segment where we can compare JavaScript applications to Python applications. But remember, python is only used for creating the sever side or back-end of a website.
And what I mean by that is the area of a website where users can not directly interact with. Example includes opening and closing of database connections and querying of database for data.
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Difference between the Application of JavaScript and Python
So if am to summarize their application difference, then python is for creating scientific and artificial intelligent apps which JavaScript have no role in those areas. But when it comes to web development it’s used only at the sever side together with front-end frameworks or plain HTML.
But JavaScript is kind of a king over the web. It has a very high performance at the sever side compared to python. I want you to know very well that, the two can only be compared when it comes to web development. Although…
JavaScript is used both in mobile and desktop apps but that’s a complete insult to compare it in those areas with python. Because it was mainly developed to run on the web and not everywhere.
JavaScript VS Python Syntax
Congratulations! The above two languages are clear to you on their area of usage. But what you don’t know is their syntax difference and how their written. Let look at that…
I don’t want to cover everything but relevant differences in some main components like:
- Declaration of code blocks
- Variable Definitions and value assignment
- Naming conversions of variables
- Constant Data Types and values structure
- Declaration of comment
- Data types or structures
- Operators
- Output and Input
- Conditional Statements declaration rules
- Iterations: while loops, do while loops and for loops
- Functions declarations
- Object-oriented programming syntax difference
Code Blocks In JavaScript and Python: Declaration
The fact that they are two different programming languages, they will surely have different syntax. One may require less code than the other but remember, they all follow the concept of code-blocks declaration in computer science. So let look at the code block difference between python and JavaScript.
How to Define Code Blocks In Python
When it comes to python, we make use of indentation to define it code blocks. Continuous series of two or more lines of code intended at the same area or level is assumed to be part of the same code block in it area defined.
What that means is that, we use indentations to define group of codes that will run in a particular function or loop instead of curry braces {}. So when you begin coding in python, that’s one big syntax you should follow.
And we follow the same approach to define functions, conditions and iterations like for loops and while loops. I know this might sound so confusing, but don’t worry check below examples:

Note: If you are kind of confuse about the key difference, don’t worry you will see it soon. But I just want you to pay attention to the indentation in the example above.
JavaScript code block: How it defined
One good thing about JavaScript is that, is uses traditional approach in defining it code blocks. This makes it easy to grab it syntax since most of the popular programming languages follow the same approach.
While python uses indentation, JavaScript uses curry braces { } to define group of codes that will run in a particular function or loop. This approach of specifying group of code is very neat compared to other syntax. Because you can easily identify where a block of codes begins and where it ends. And trust me, 80% of programmers out there prefer this way of coding than indentation syntax.
Here is an example of how it defined:

Variable Declaration in JavaScript and Python
You might think how we declare and assign variables in all programming languages are the same right? Wrong! Because some programing languages are dynamically type while others are statically type. What that term simply means is that, some languages strictly require you to define what data-type a variable or function should return. That’s a statically type languages like Java and C++ but…
Dynamically type languages like JavaScript and PHP has the capability to determine the data-type of a variable base on it value assigned to it. And that makes such languages so easy to learn than highly programming languages like java, C++ and C.
You should know the concept of assignment statement in all programming languages as an effective programmer. But that’s a different topic so let look at variable declaration in the above two languages.
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How to Declare a Variable in Python
If you want to define or declare a variable in python, you just have to follow this simple approach. Write the name of the variable on the left side followed by an equal sign (=) and then the kind of value you want to assign to the variable.
That’s what programmers hate, give them theory with no practical guide and they will be like “hey dude, how the hell do you want me to grab the concept without any practical explanation?”
Luckily for you, here is how to do it:
<Variable_Name> = <Value_To_Assign_To_The_Variable>
So I can assign my name to a variable like this:
myName = “Justice”; // take note of the double quote, it means a string and I can use a single quote as well.
JavaScript Variable Declaration
Defining or creating a variable in JavaScript is what is called “variable declaration.” To declare a variable, you have to strictly use the var keyword either you like it or not: like var bookName; and remember the variable will have a value of undefined unless a value is assigned to it.
That does not mean you have to declare all your variables that same way, no. You can declare a variable and assign value to it at the same time.
For example:
Var <Variable_Name> = <Value>
In real world it should be something like:
Var websiteName = “”;
You can also declare a variable with the let keyword. But remember such variable will only have a variable scope base on where it is defined. You will mostly see such variables defined in functions but here is how it’s declared:
Let websiteName = “tutorialsCamp”;
You can also make use of the Const keyword to define variables that it value will never change. Such variables are very handy when working on project that requires a certain data to remain the same forever.
Example like:
Const myName = “Justice”;
And as you can see from the above, since I have not planned to change my name, it will be as it is throughout it life span of the project.

Quick Tips: One thing you should take note of is that, in python you just have to start a new line to define the end of a code or statement. But in JavaScript, we use semicolon (;) to mark the end of a block of statement or single line of code.
In this easy comparison of JavaScript vs python, below is something you already know.
Variable Naming Conventions in JavaScript and Python
The variable naming convention between these two programming languages is based on the same concept but very identical. You just have to stick with me for a minutes and I will show you all the hack, it’s very easy to understand.
How to Name Variable in JavaScript
Basically, there is no strict rules on how you should name your variables. But it will make a lot of sense as a programmer to adopt a specific style of naming objects, variables and functions. When I started programming, I was actually using any names that are related to the value I wanted to assign to a variable.
I know you also did the same thing?
Well, if you have been doing that it time to make an improvement because you are now a senior developer.
Mostly in JavaScript we use the lower Camel Case naming convention. Which you simply have to define the first letter of your variable with a lowercase and every other letter with an uppercase.
Mozilla network developers provide a JavaScript guideline on it official documentation in which it stated that:
“Use lower camel case for variable names and it should be human readable to other programmers.”
So we can go according to that and define a variable like this:
myName = “justice”;
Note above well that I made the first world “my” a lower case letter and “Name” an upper case letter. This is not a convention that you should strictly follow but it’s a good programming practice.
How to Name Variable in Python
While JavaScript uses the “camel case” python developers are required to use the “snake case” naming convention. The official documentation of python made it clear that you should defined your variable and functions name separated by underscore.
Note: it said underscore (_) not comma (-).
This way of naming variables does increase readability a lot. And with that, you can easily spot different functions and objects names. So all that you need to do is to separate your variable names with underscore like:
Website_name = “”;
Again remember that this is just an option, not a mandatory task. So…
I hope you have easily grasped the difference?
We use “camel case” naming style in JavaScript and “snake case” in python.

Constants in JavaScript and Python
You remember I did mentioned about constants a few seconds ago right?
Well, let dig into it deeper and see how we can define both in the above two programming languages.
Hey, I don’t know what a constant is can you elaborate it to me?
A constants is a type of variable that when a value is assign to it can never be change during the program execution. Basically we define a variable as constants if we don’t want to change it value in the program.
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How a Constants is Defined in Python
The python style documentation does not define any strict keyword to define constant variables. And because of that all variables in python can be modified, but sometimes we programmers may need a value that will never change.
In that case what you can do is that, you can define a regular variable as a constant by making the variable name full uppercase. But remember, making a variable name full uppercase will not mark that variable as constant. It’s just a personal rule we do go by to mark certain variables as constant only to you the developer.
And also don’t forget the use of the snake case naming style if you want to go with this approach.
Example like:
The above “STUDENT_ROLL_NUMBER” can be modified but it serves as warning to you and other programmers that it’s a constant. If you don’t want to go with this approach, you can define your own style of recognizing constants variables and there will be no bugs.
Constants Declaration in JavaScript
Constants declaration in JavaScript is really easy. You can declare a variable and attaché the “const” keyword to it to make it value as permanent. Remember, you cannot reassign a variable identifier to a constant and the constant itself cannot be changed.
It does not mean the value of the constant cannot be changed. For proper understanding, have a look at what Mozilla developers JavaScript documentation says.
You can define constant like:
If you try changing the above value, you will see an error of…

Quick Tip: You can verify the error yourself by creating a file on your desktop with .js extension. Then run it in your browser and click on the console to see the error, but make sure it contains the above codes.

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Below you will see a helpful hack of JavaScript vs python…
Data Types in JavaScript and Python
You are about to learn an important concept in programming. A better understanding of what am going to show you will make your life much more easier than before. I will use the difference data types of python and JavaScript to let you on an important concept. Let get to it!
Integers or Numeric Data Types
With python, there are 3 main numeric data type to perform scientific calculations. These includes: integers (int), complex and floating point numbers (float) But JavaScript has only two numeric data types that are: Big-Int and Number. Remember that float and integers is assumed to be of type Number.
So 5.5 and 44 are all numbers in JavaScript.
Null VS None Values
None value is used in python program to typically indicate that a particular variable is of no value. It’s a special value that we do make use of a lot, and also most companies ask some little tricky question about it during job interviews. They sometimes ask something like the difference between none and variable with no value assigned to it. (note it down my friend, it will help you on your journey)
The other usage of it in JavaScript is null, that represents an absence of a variable or object value.

Undefined Value in Python and JavaScript
If you have been following this guide very well, you have probably asked yourself the state of a variable defined with no value.
Well, the undefined value will be implicitly assigned to any variable declared with no value. So undefined is a special value that will be assigned to a variable with no value by JavaScript as default.
Below is an example of what am trying to point out:

You can directly see that the value of the variable x is marked as undefined.
However, that’s not the same with python. Every variable declared is said to have an initial value assigned to it. But if you don’t know the value of a particular variable, you can assign none as it initial value. But remember, that does not mean the variable will have some form of value, no. It just represents an absence of such value.
Primitive Data Types: JavaScript and Python
These are type of data-types that formed the fundamental values of any programming language. Typically they are built in data-types (remember there is none primitives data types like Classes and interface)
Python comes with four main primitives data types which include:
- Boolean – That is true or false value.
- Integers – this include numbers with no dot, example 4, 5, 56 and 232.
- Float – float includes numbers with dot (.) example 2.4, 23.00 and 0.4.
- String – These are values declared with single or double quote (“,’)
JavaScript on the other hand comes with six data types which include:
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Big Int
- Symbol
- String
- Float
How to Write Comments in JavaScript and Python
Comments help us to write readable and clean code. Therefore it’s very important to comment relevant part of your code to point out something to other programmers and yourself.
There are two types of writing a comment in all the two languages: single-line and multi-line comments. Below is how easily you can do it in JavaScript and python.
Single-Line Comment
- We write a comment in python that will hold only one line with the hash tag (#). The # must come first before the comment characters and it must not exceed one line.
- In JavaScript, we make use of the two slashes (//) to write a single line comment. And as usual, the two slash must come first before the comment tags.
Below is visual example of how to write comments:

So in real-world, this how is done in python:
# this is a single-line comments in python.
In JavaScript:
// this is single-line comment in JavaScript.
Python vs. JavaScript: Multi-Line Comments
If you want to write a multiple comments in python, you should begin each new line with a hash tag.
But that’s not the case with JavaScript, we begin a multi-line comment with the symbol /* and end it with */ any character that will go between the two symbol is considered as comments.

In python you will do this:
# This is a Multi-line comment
# In Python to show
# The code in details.
/* This is how
you define A
multi-line Comments
in JavaScript */
Learning JavaScript vs. python which is easier?
Python has a very large module than JavaScript due to it different areas of usage. And it does require a lot of time to master it but actually it depends on your level of programming experience. Because someone who understand all the fundamentals of computer science will find it very easy to learn.
But someone with no previous knowledge of how coding works, may find it very difficult.
According to stack-overflow statistics, JavaScript is very easy to learn compared to python. This is because, to master python as a low level programmer, you need to take a very good time to learn the concept of object oriented programming (OOP) first. But that is not the case with JavaScript, procedure programming is very easy approach.
Although JavaScript support OOP too but that’s something you will definitely skip as a new programmer.
Can Python replace JavaScript?
This is one big question I see a lot of people asking daily. And I don’t know why such question needs to be thrown in such way. Because pure JavaScript is a client side scripting language which runs on the front-end of a website. And python is a server side language.
So you can surely see that these two languages are on different path. It’s like comparing football to table tennis, they are all games but they are played in different ways.
The right question should have rather been…
Can python replace node.js?
That make sense because both two languages runs on the server despite the fact that one is a framework and the other is a language itself. Currently, all the two are highly growing and I don’t see any drawback. But what is well known is that, node.js runs much faster than python and I don’t think one will take over the other now.
Is python better than JavaScript?
You cannot directly guess the difference between the two. Because python is much better than JavaScript in most areas like machine learning and artificial intelligence. JavaScript is also preferred on the web than python, so it actually depends on where it’s being used.
Below comes the most interesting part I have been waiting to show you…
JavaScript vs python developers salary
Let’s talk about money because all our suffering is because of it. You can directly predict that python developers are highly paid than JavaScript developers base on it recent high growth rate. And also python is used in so many areas than JavaScript and that makes the salary rate of python developers much higher.
They make a median of $118k per year whiles JavaScript developers earn approximately $120k per year. So the battle of JavaScript vs. python is based on nothing but your own goals since they are similar in salary rate.

Python or JavaScript?
Now, that you have seen all the difference and the similarities between the two, you don’t need to struggle of which one to choose. Because everything depends on you and your level of experience and also the area that you fall.
But basically, if your goal is to master machine learning or artificially intelligence, then python should be your choice. But if your aim is to be a front-end developer, then marry JavaScript and devoid python. And also there is no harm in learning all the two if you are a kind of a person who wants to know everything.
So decide on which area you want to focus on and choose which language will be good for you. But my advice is that you should focus on one area until success before jumping to the other. Because in programming if you don’t stick to one area and grasp all the fundamentals, you may find yourself struggling a lot.
That brings us to the end of this head to head comparison of JavaScript vs python. But this what I want you to know…
Final Thought
Practice and you will become an effective programmer. Don’t just be learning code simply because you love coding, the main purpose of programming is to solve problems. So be a problem solver by beginning to solve simple once and soon you will find yourself fixing bigger bugs.
On the comparison of JavaScript vs python, am sure everything is now clear to you? If there is something you don’t understand or you have any suggestion, please the comment box below is yours. Pull out the ring from your pocket and marry it with some words and I will come to the wedding with replies.
Now that you have seen the above difference, you also need to know – Java vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better for You?
Remember not to forget your wife or husband below (comment box) it doesn’t want to be lonely.