Side Hustles for Programmers: How to Make Money While Sleeping
How To

BeautifulSoup: How to get nested inner divs

Python web scraping class will teach you how to get inner and nested divs using beautifulsoup. You can use BeautifulSoup to scrap or get the text inside nested div tags and take further operation with the text or the result you will get after the scrapping is done. Without wasting your time, let me quickly show you the problem and…

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Side Hustles for Programmers: How to Make Money While Sleeping
Web Development

Java interface examples

Interfaces in Java what is an interface in java? Java interface is termed as a complete abstract type used to specify the behavior of a class. Interface is just like an abstract class, the difference is that, whiles abstract class can have non-abstract methods, all methods in interface are abstract, therefore it used to achieve total abstraction. It provides full…

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cannot use import statement outside a module
Fix error

Fix – Cannot use import statement outside module in JS or TypeScript

The “Uncaught syntaxerror: Cannot use import statement outside a module” occurs in JavaScript and Typescript when you apply the ES6 Modules concept/syntax in a particular script that’s not loaded as a local or third-party module. This happens as a result of importing ECMAScript 6 that is exported as a function or a class in a different file. Also, when linking…

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react-scripts: command not found
Fix error

sh: react-scripts: command not found after running npm start (Error Solved)

This error “sh: react-scripts: command not found error command failed with exit code 127” mostly occurs when you clone a new repository of react.js application. When you try to run the application with the following commands you will surely encounters it because of no existing node-modules directory. You will also experience the above error if you accidentally type the react…

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Fix error

Fix Uncaught TypeError: forEach is not a function Error in JavaScript

The JavaScript “forEach is not a function” error occurs when you call the method ‘forEach()’ on a variable or property that’s not of type array, ‘set’ or ‘Map’ object. Because JavaScript is not a statically type programming-language, you will encounter this error often when developing a JavaScript web application. If you call an array method on a string for example,…

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error: cannot find module
Angular 10 Tutorials, Fix error

Fix error: cannot find module ‘x’ in Node.js or ‘express’

To solve the “error: cannot find module in Node.js or express” you have to first know why this error occurs. Mostly, this error occurs when you’re going through a Node.js tutorial and you reach a point where you need to install some specific module, package or a library. If you don’t properly install it using the npm install command and…

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